Histories & Surveys of the Vietnam War
THUNDER OVER VIETNAM: The American Air War in Southeast AsiaPaperbound$4.95 $25.95
NO GREATER LOVE: The Story of Michael Crescenz, Philadelphia's Only Medal of Honor Recipient of the Vietnam WarHardbound$5.95 $37.95
RECKLESS: Henry Kissinger and the Tragedy of VietnamHardbound$4.95 $28.00
IN RETROSPECT: The Tragedy and Lessons of VietnamPaperbound$5.95 $16.95
VIETNAM--AMERICA'S CONFLICT: 50 Historical DocumentariesDVD$5.95 $9.98
THAT WAS NAM: The CollectionDVD$5.95 $29.98
BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY: The Life of Colonel Robert Howard, America's Most Decorated Green BeretPaperbound$11.95 $14.99
YEAR OF THE HAWK: America's Descent into Vietnam, 1965Hardbound$7.95 $28.00
HEROES OF OUR TIME: 239 Men of the Vietnam War Awarded the Medal of Honor 1964-1972Hardbound$9.95 $24.95
ENDURING VIETNAM: An American Generation and Its WarHardbound$6.95 $29.99
THE VILLAGE OF BEN SUCPaperbound$12.95 $16.95
THE VIETNAM WAR: Battle BriefingsPaperbound$4.95 $16.95
FOREVER FORWARD: K-9 Operations in VietnamHardbound$9.95 $29.99
LOGISTICS IN THE VIETNAM WARS 1945-1975Paperbound$7.95 $28.95
THE FIGHTING FATHERS: CIA-Backed Catholic Militia in South VietnamHardbound$21.95
THE TYPHOON TRUCE, 1970: Three Days in Vietnam When Nature Intervened in the WarPaperbound$17.95 $24.95
THE ULTIMATE PROTEST: Malcolm W. Browne, Thich Quang Duc, and the News Photograph That Stunned the WorldHardboundPrice cut to $19.95 $34.95
NEXT STOP IS VIETNAM: The War on Record, 1961-2008Compact Disc$224.95 $299.99